Advanced computer users with a minimum knowledge of cybersecurity can easily protect themselves on social media from any hacking attempts. But our children are not yet so well adapted to the real world. They don't really know about many network security risks neither do they know how to protect themselves against Internet trolling not yet having developed critical thinking for filtering incoming information.
Hence, children definitely need support of their parents, their wise advice and soft unobtrusive control. Moms and dads should educate children about the problems they may face on the Internet, and also discreetly monitor their accounts in instant messengers and social networks, including Snapchat.

Parents should monitor their children's activity without the risk of being caught. They shouldn't impose their opinions on the child, but delicately explain them how to act in a given situation instead. Also, there is no need to openly demand from a child access to personal correspondence and media files that they exchange with their friends. In this case, the child will simply create another account specifically for the parents, which will have a very indirect relationship to his personal life. To yield the best outcome, you can remotely monitor your child's Snapchat or other messenger account. You will be able to instantly spot possible threats to your child and protect him from dangerous experiments or fraudulent activities.
The Top Dangers Children Might Face Online
Browsing Internet, child faces many dangers: from trolling and cyberbullying to psychological manipulation and money pumps. But let's discuss each of them in more details.
1. Internet fraud. These typically imply the links to virus programs and applications, phishing pages that require bank card or personal account information, and other methods aimed at obtaining personal information or illegal use of smartphone or PC resources. The child must clearly understand what things he can do safely to protect himself from being scammed. And as long as your child cannot distinguish good from bad, you must help him in this and protect him from the ill-minded people.

2. Offensive comments and network bullying. Not all children are friendly with their classmates. Some children mutually ignore the others, but some can be very hostile. When this only happens at school, children can forget about it at home, but often bullying also happens on social media. Very few children decide to tell their parents about this, many are simply silent about the problem, hoping that someday it will end. But the sooner mom or dad hears about bullying, the sooner they can help the child sort out this unfortunate issue.
3. Extremist and propaganda groups. Being unexperienced and lacking critical thinking, children tend to be more suggestible than adults. And if some criminals get interested in your child, then sooner or later they will trick him over. To stop this, parents must be aware of their children's interactions with suspicious strangers from the start. And the easiest way to do this is to discreetly track your child's Snapchat or other social media account.
These are the top dangers a child can face when interacting with other people on the Internet. And only a total ban from using the Internet will help to fully protect him from this. In the modern world, you can't really do so since children might have to use school computers, open networks etc. Such a decision will greatly undermine the authority of the parents in the eyes of the child.

To avoid all this drama, you might want to anonymously monitor your child's Internet activity instead. And for this you will need an efficient and reliable tool that can protect sent and received personal data and under no circumstances violate users' privacy.
Snapchat Account Tracking: Remote monitoring and Location Detection
SnSpy web application allows you to access any Snapchat account, determine the user's location along with his travel routes via Snap Map, read the correspondence, view received/sent media files and the log of incoming/outgoing calls. Software operates independently, remotely collecting all the required information.
Software user only needs to enter a username or the phone number linked to the target Snapchat account and click the "Launch" button. The program will do the following things:
- Get login details for hacked account
- Launch target account on remote server
- Collect full history of a user’s activity
- Create an archive of user data
- Scan the data package for viruses
- Provide a data package download link
The archive will contain the password for the target account to allow you to receive up-to-date information about the user as well as locate him via Snapchat in real time.

One of the main features of SnSpy is the ability to monitor the travel routes of a target user such as his location history and current GPS coordinates. If your child is actively communicating in the messenger, you can always use our application to monitor what he is up to in his spare time. Using SnSpy, responsible parents will worry less about their children and always know what they have been up to.